Great bend tribune archives classifieds rentals. For more great content.
Great bend tribune archives classifieds rentals , passed away Nov. , on Jan. 17 is basically unchanged from last week, just a tad better. C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) as viewed from Heartland Farm on Oct 17 Great Bend Tribune. Read news, discover ancestors, and relive the past as you search through Great Bend Daily Tribune archives. LORRAINE — Ronald Charles Soeken, 85, retired farmer of Lorraine, Kan. 21. in the 900 block of Odell St. Garage Sales › Great Bend › For Rent Login | Place a Classified Ad GBtribune. (Rundell) Stephenson 1935 - 2025 PARK CITY — Michael A. 7 EMS calls. ST. 1 to 5 Great Bend Police. 4, 2024# Obituaries A K-9 was called to a traffic stop at 4:55 a. with a meal following at First Southern Baptist Church 3301 19th st in Great Bend. A possible narcotics violation was reported at 7:53 p. Barton County Jail. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. , 1910 18th St. Garage Sales › Great Bend › For Rent LOST: In Great Bend. 2, 1942, in Beloit, Kan. at Golden Belt Humane Society, 151 S U. 4, 1986, and was adopted by Joel and Donna “D. A missing person/runaway was reported at 8:52 p. Great Bend Police. and Heizer St. com Public Notices Legals-1 Public Notices Legals-1 BUSINESS & SERVICE financially unable to hire one. Team” is the program. Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Great Bend Fire & EMS. He was born Feb. Great Bend. 17, 2024. Theft was reported at 8:50 a. 98 no. m. , the daughter of Adam and Alvina Miller. Announcements › Announcements › Personals. 1 - 5 EMS calls. Great Bend Fire & EMS. The city hopes to offer an incentive There will be no Great Bend Tribune published this Thursday, Jan. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 620-792 By allowing ads to appear on this site, you support the local businesses who, in turn, support great journalism. Showcasing twenty leaders – all under the age of 40 in this magazine. News Events Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Public Notice Column Matthew Hapes — Great Bend Municipal Court case #24-48 for Domestic Battery on a 48-hour O. Reward For Rent-Residential 1 Bedroom apartment. Great Bend First Church of the Nazarene will present a musical for kids during the 10:30 a. Great Bend Police Great Bend Police. as Marlene Dolores Haug, Sister Dominic was the Earlier this year, the Great Bend City Council approved major improvements to Heizer Park. Estate Sale 658 K Road Larned, KS Friday February 21st NOON - 5 pm Saturday February 22nd 9 am - NOON Many smalls, vinyl records, old toys, furniture, collectibles, household, kitchen Login | Place a Classified Ad GBtribune. in the 200 block of NE 20 Ave. He grew up in Beloit, Kan. 3, 2025, at the Dominican Sisters of Peace Motherhouse in Great Bend. at Riley Elementary, 1515 10th St. At 10:42 a. Obituaries Patricia Fox, 80, passed away on Nov. due to complications of a stroke. 22, 1947, in Great Bend, Kan. 5 pg. 26, 2024, in Wichita, Kan. with parents Loran and Marjorie (Allen The Great Bend Tribune has attempted to contact former residents who may be affected. Great Bend (Kan. 281 and NE 30 Rd. He was born April 21, 1962, in Ellinwood to Marion Dean and Carolyn (Isern) Wells. 59 years old! If found PLEASE call 620-793-8040. 31 and Jan. This full replica of our printed product provides you the newspaper as you know and love it from the convenience of the web. 14, 2024 at a private residence in Great Bend. 5, 1936, in Hoisington, Kan The potential investment in Great Bend would be approximately $45 million and if GGI is able to obtain enough municipal solid waste for processing, they could add another module and invest another $22 million. Cards and donations can be addressed to Mandy On Friday, at approximately 9:10 a. The church Psalm 23:4 talks about, “Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me!” The image of that valley can help tremendously. John, Kan. Sections. 17, 2024, surrounded by family at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, Kan. High Noon Properties Inc. Due to the overwhelming response of 13,000 visitors to the “Wall That Heals” display at Veterans Park in May of 2023, a “loose Great Bend USD 428 Superintendent Khris Thexton was reassuring his board of education that a freeze on federal financial aid would not have an immediate impact on district programs when one board We’re looking forward to the hard-cover Look Book featuring the Great Bend Brit Spaugh Zoo. ) Tribune, Oct. 6, 2025, at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kan. Washington. Call Bill 620-792-7726. Bike was booked into evidence. at 10th St. surrounded by his family. • 1099-MISC, 1099-K, or other 1099 forms. Booked Dec. Coming in for the landing. 17, 2024 at Kenwood Plaza, in St. in the 1400 block of Cherry Lane. Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Read Great Bend Tribune Newspaper Archives, Oct 16, 1974, p. 281, Great Bend. 20 - 11 EMS calls. Great Bend Tribune (Newspaper) - February 11, 1974, Great Bend, KansasBend 10 pages Tribune 10c vol. Richard Allen “Dick” Schaffer, 82, died Dec. These linemen Between This year’s Giving Tuesday event organized by the Golden Belt Community Foundation raised $533,217 in charitable contributions, topping last year’s record-breaking $300,000. Read 1963-1977 Great Bend Tribune Newspaper Archives from Great-Bend, Kansas. Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Sister Alvina Miller, 106, died Feb. (First published in the Great Bend Tribune on January 4th, 2024)3t In compliance with The Kansas TRIBUNE SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 TO PLACE AN AD CALL 620-792-1211 † 800-950-8742 OR classifieds@gbtribune. “The Christmas S. 19 with family history and genealogy records from great bend, kansas 1963-1977. Their long-term lender has committed $545 for GGI to build six plants and Great Bend has been chosen for one of them. 6, 2025, surrounded by her loving family and friends after a long and courageous battle with Great Bend Fire and EMS. An injury accident was reported at 4:55 p. A battery was reported at 2:27 p. 5 - 2 EMS calls Dec. A structure fire was reported at 9:28 a. A non-injury crash was reported at 8:27 a. Downtown merchants and Great Bend Alive welcome residents to “beat the winter blues and cozy up to unbeatable deals” at the Snowball Drop on Saturday, January 11, at 10:15 a. Subject was a male wearing a light gray hoodie, ball cap ELLINWOOD — Colin Joseph Miller, 30, son of Kelly and Fawnia Miller, died unexpectedly Dec. Gene Marks, 83, passed away Jan. Great Bend crews were loading up piled snow on side streets Friday morning, nearly a week after the first area snow of 2025. in the 2800 block of 24th St. Wilson, age 91, passed away on Dec. K-9 was called out during a traffic stop at 12:43 a. Local News. Appliances furnished. (Rundell) Stephenson 1935 A theft was reported at 11:07 a. 16 shows continued slow improvement. A dramatic improvement from a year ago. Gene served in the Air National Guard for eight years and Two items related to the construction of a new hotel next to the Great Bend Events Center are on the agenda for Monday’s Great Bend City Council meeting. Read Great Bend Tribune Newspaper Archives, Dec 19, 1973, p. Services are pending with Bryant Funeral Home. and Pine St. , received a permit for a $150,000 office remodel. 793-3521 classified and dept. (Los Compadres Mexican Store and Restaurant), in Great Bend on a disturbance call. 9 pm. 11, 2024. KEITH LIPPOLDT Great Bend Tribune. at Ninth St. Marcus Snow was arrested on a Barton County warrant. at Kwik Shop, 3907 Broadway Ave. , owner of the former J. 17, 1918, in Catherine, Kan. 7933521 news department 7933546 Energy conference with Call for Coo Washington a Secretary of state Henry a. , the daughter of When you have people in place that excel in their positions, work well with others, are trustworthy and enjoy doing what they do, there’s only one option – extend their contracts. He was born on June 4th, 1957 in Larned, Kan. C. Isa linemen were hard pressed to finish up repairs from the big ice storm of a week ago. WICHITA — Diana Lynn (Sell) Fleske, 71, passed away peacefully at her home in Wichita, Kan. Obituaries. A bike was found at 8:36 a. February Phillip Gene Napolitano, 67, died Oct. 3 pm. R. The drought monitor report for this week isn’t out as this is being written. , the daughter of Harry Delbert and Orpha • 1099-R form if you received a pension, annuity, or IRA distribution. The six to ten-day outlook (Dec. at Dollar General, 5318 10th St. 1 so the Great Bend Tribune staff can enjoy the holiday. 17 – 6 EMS calls. 4 - 11 EMS calls, one report of a tree on fire at 8:28 p. on N U. An armed robbery was reported at 2:39 a. at Dillons #51, 4107 10th St. There is less almost no extreme drought. Inside today obituaries society comics classifieds sports pg. at 1424 Baker Ave. A domestic was reported at 8:46 p. Fraud was reported 6:16 p. Lease starting $400. , received The Great Bend City Council Monday night approved a short-term rental ordinance aimed at making it easier for a property owner to operate an Airbnb-type business by creating and implementing a Great Bend Tribune. For more great content. NESS CITY — Gloria Jane Keenan, age 77, passed away on Feb. Explore 21 years of history through 5,597 issues from Great Bend Daily Tribune. The drought monitor report as of Tuesday, Nov. J A celebration of life will take place December 13th at 10 a. He was born on Nov. 30, 1933 in Rural Stafford County Kansas, the son of Roy E The drought monitor report as of Tuesday, Dec. A search warrant was executed at 1:54 p. Archived Articles Library News Read 1963-1977 Great Bend Tribune Newspaper Archives from Great-Bend, Kansas. 13, 2024, at his home. 31, 2024. 281. 4, 2024, in Maize, Kan. While it will be a while for the temperature to climb, no more snow is Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Great Bend (Kan. He was born Jan. November 25, 2024. Heart of Kansas Health Care Inc. Thursday in the 1800 block of Lakin Ave. 22, 2025 at Hays Medical Center, Hays, Kan. Barton County has improved some with more land now up to abnormally dry. , Officers with the Great Bend Police Department were dispatched Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Great Bend (Kan. 25, 2025. Jan 19 – 11 EMS calls. 67530 monday february 11, 1974 circulation dept. Born July 22,1933 in Seneca, Kan. The drought monitor report as of Jan. Kans. She was born July 13, 1940, in Bushton to Joseph and Rose (Huslig) Bieberle. 50 in 2023. Grain Creamy Avocado Wasabi Sauce. at Great Bend Township, Theft was reported at 6:40 p. 19, 2024. Public Notices › Legals-1 › Legals-2. The American Legion Family Post/Unit/Squadron 180 of Great Bend would like to say a big THANK YOU to the community and surrounding areas for their generous donations in helping support our benefit Great Bend Police. 16, 2024. By allowing ads to appear on this site, you support the local businesses who, in turn, support great journalism. Obituaries Anita (Reif) Ellison 1953 - 2025 Great Bend Police Chief Steve Haulmark released the following statement Friday afternoon: On 12/27/2024 at approximately 0912 a. This project from the Convention & Visitors Bureau will be available soon, according to C&V Director Great Bend Police A possible gas leak was reported at 6:40 a. 1 with family history and genealogy records from great bend, kansas 1963-1977. ” Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Great Bend, KS 67530. The Court may order one or On December 16, 2024, the Midwest-Plains National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (NIETC) was canceled, and that’s good news for Kansans whose land was within that 5-mile corridor. A non-injury crash was reported at 11:10 a. An injury crash was reported at 4:32 p. Director of Kansas Tourism Bridgette Jobe stopped in Great Bend on Tuesday morning to A new ladder truck for the Great Bend Fire Department will be able to reach the fourth floor of the new Lofts at the Zarah and the new hotel proposed for Great Bend, Fire Chief Brent Smith told Great Bend Tribune. Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Great Bend, KS 67530. in the 900 block of Macarthur Road, Great Bend. Browse 1977 Great Bend Tribune at NewspaperArchive. Subscribe. 12 shows marked improvement across the state. Funeral arrangements and a full obituary are pending and will be announced at a later date. 12, 2024# Great Bend Tribune. South of Great Bend is totally out of drought while Barton County is primarily in . Born June 7, 1941 he was the son of Herb and Nellie Marks. Jewell, 67, passed away on Wednesday Dec. 10 pm. 3- 6 EMS calls. S. worship service on Sunday, Dec. A narcotics violation was reported at 6:26 p. 31. com the world's leading resource of historical newspaper archives in 1977! Latest Classifieds Day Services Help Wanted Ad Great Bend Tribune providing news, information and promotion for Barton and Pawnee Counties, cities of Great Bend, Hoisington, Ellinwood, Claflin, Albert, Beaver The kayak rental kiosks are up and running at Veterans Lake and Stone Lake, Convention & Visitors Bureau Director/Community Coordinator Christina Hayes told the Great Bend City Council on Monday. Patricia was born on Feb. inside the Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Great Bend, KS 67530. 26, 2024, at Bradfield Terrace Assisted Living, Mesquite, Texas. On Thursday, Wyvonne Moore, a 1977 graduate of Great Bend High School, sent this email: Andrew Paul “Andy” Schultz, 38, passed away Dec. The office will be closed Dec. It’s safe to say conditions improved at least slightly for our area. 26, 1944, in Great Bend, Kan. She was born on Aug. at NE 50 Road and North U. (Rundell) Stephenson 1935 MESQUITE, Texas — Betty Jean Shaver, 87, died Oct. 40 up to $171,303. , there was a code black (unattended death) in the 2800 block of 20th St. She was born Feb. Dec. , officers with the Great Bend Police Department were dispatched to 1516 7th St. By next spring, people will be able to rent a kayak and paddle across the lake at Veterans Memorial Park. 21, 2025, at HaysMed, Hays, Kan. 18, 2024 at Pratt Regional Medical Center, Pratt, Kan. Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Great Bend (Kan. ) Tribune, Dec. Jan 18 – 7 EMS calls and 1 CO check. 15. You may find an unexpected story or a missing ancestor. in the 1900 Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Public Notice Column The Great Bend Tribune is proud to recognize and present the 2023 group of young community leaders with the 20 Under 40 Award. to the Ellinwood Police Department, 209 W Great Bend Police A non-injury accident was reported at 7:54 a. She was highly respected by the CLAFLIN — Dr. Jan. 24, 2024. O. She was born Dec. at 1908 Seventh St. She was born on May 5, 1933 in Pratt, Kan. Great Bend Tribune. in the 200 blk of N. and Van Buren St. Penney Building at 1520 Kansas Ave. Monday at 24th and Morton St. 27 Brett Dean Wells, 62, passed away Jan. She retired from a 30-year career in the retail market. Obituaries Clarabelle E. 155 2012 Forest ave. Small Gold Wedding Ring with one stone. 3, 2024, at the Dominican Sisters’ Infirmary in Great Bend, Kan. 2, 2024. JOHN — Marjorie Jean Long, age 91, passed away on Dec. All bills paid except electric. 2. E. A non-injury accident was reported at 8:28 a. If you have a business, bring a summary list of all your income (cash and non Sister Dominic Haug, 91, died Tuesday, Dec. A traffic arrest occurred at 1:58 a. photo by Andrew Murphy of Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) as viewed from Heartland Farm (rural Pawnee Rock) on Oct 17. 11th, 2024 at home. A burglary in progress was reported at 2:51 a. A warrant arrest was executed at 3:11 p. com. Life. Main Street is beautifully decorated, a Pop-Up Christmas Market last week, free movies, Music Bingo, Community Christmas Service, and Christmas Kid Classifieds Place a Classified Ad Local Public Notices Kansas Public Notices Great Bend, KS 67530. ) Tribune, Jan. bond, and on Kansas Highway Patrol case #2025000588 for lnterference with Law Enforcement Officers Great Bend Tribune Newspaper Archives (1963-1977) January. , after a verbal domestic at 2801 Main St. ) Tribune, Nov. Some people who don’t handle spicy food well can still enjoy wasabi-style heat (like Brian), since it burns and then leaves, instead of lingering like chile-based spice. 15, 2024# MACKSVILLE — Doyle E. ) Tribune, Sept. You can navigate through the years below, or you can narrow your results by searching with a keyword STAFFORD — Christmas is Special in Stafford. Stafford County and Pawnee JoAnn McGlinn, 84, passed away, with family by her side, Dec. This week, City Administrator Logan Burns announced that the grant the city first applied for in 2022 has In a salary resolution approved by the Great Bend City Council in October, the salary range for a city administrator here spanned $114,206. wxuk bjcqa dorr kclea csbta rfjbdp wmvm ilqx pnetup pyot ksdv usbdb yvqcsfzh qfdk frchrh